Sunday, February 7, 2010

Savings and Deferred spending

For one, I have to say that I am confused with the slide “Saving versus deferred spending”. I understand the difference of not spending and delayed spending, but we would have to spend our money one way or another in the future, wouldn't we? It's just that the occasion is not as immediate as “going on a holiday”, for example saving to buy a house, saving money for childcare, saving money to spend after retirement etc. So after listening to the slide cast, I believe the definition could be refined as follows:

Real Saving = Saving to spend on investment, that is the second chunk of the pie, while;

Deferred spending = Saving to spend on personal expenses, that is the third chunk of the pie.

If you put in this way, its more easily comprehensible and does not turn“real saving” into something that sounds both impractical and impossible (i.e. not touching the money for the span of your lifetime).

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